The Unplanned Weekend

After a week (5 days) long of working we all look forward to the Weekend. Few of us start our weekend from Friday evening, while others don't really get a weekend to chill (mostly due to extra work). Some of us plan out things over the weekend, the rest let things plan the weekend for them. There are party animals club hopping and there are lazy asses not leaving the bed. All in all, everyone has a different persona of the weekend.

Even I had similar weekend preferences and they varied everytime. There were planned or unplanned parties/trips at times and also long sleeps with binge watching/reading at other days.

This weekender was decided to be for sleeping and binge watching the entire Harry Potter series. Ya I have never completely watched any of Potter movies except for the first one. This was the plan so I could have some context in conversations with Potter-heads.

Most of the plans fail and so even this one went flop when my roomie/friend/colleague/schoolmate Allan called. Such unwanted calls usually bear good news or bad news or even both. This call came with both.

The good news was Allan was going to Amsterdam on Monday. And the bad news was I am supposed to cancel my plan and go to Mumbai.

It was about two things - the bond of knowing him from childhood and riding his bike all the way to Mumbai. Those were the reasons that I couldn't have refused him. It was majorly about the ride.

He was/is very particular about his bike. He had never given his bike to ride for more than 100 meters and now all of a sudden I was getting a ride of 150+ kilometers. It's more like the excitement that you get on having the forbidden fruit (definitely a descendant of Adam and Eve) than it is about the ride.

Since the guy who had been with me for so long was leaving, Friday night meant a sleepless chatting time. All friends had come over and night turned to dawn when we hit the bed (or so it felt).

How could one ride such long distance without sleep? And so Saturday morning was dedicated to sleep and whatever remaining time to YouTube videos of Gabriel Iglesias aka Fluffy (damn funny).

It was evening, when the hands of the clock were vertically opposite, than we (me and Zeyn) set-off for Mumbai. Riding nice and slow we came to Mumbai around 10 in the night. Had dinner at Imbiss (really good place for Western cuisine). Got home at 30 minutes to midnight and the day ended.

Since the plan for the weekend had gone down on Saturday I never tried to get it back today (Sunday). The day flowed with Sunday morning obligation of visiting the church, followed by meeting more friends who had come to see off Allan, ditching them for lunch and travelling back to Pune. In this entire schedule I fit in some time to write this post.

With this the weekend ended doing a lot of things but not what I had planned for. It was way better than what I had planned though.

Hope you had a weekend that went according to your will.

‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’


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